万花筒 2012-07-01&07-03 阿汤哥又离婚了(在线收听

Katie Holmes has filed her divorce with her super star Tom Cruise in New York city. A long time attorney from Tom Cruise said on Friday. Holmes is reported * so custody with their daughter six-year-old and three. ...their wedding ceremony in Italy in 2006. Cruise, who turns 50 on July 3rd, has been among the world type's paid actors and felt changing in 1983's Risky Business to the hugely sucessful mission in possible series and currently played musical in Rock of Ages. He's been married twice before, first actress Mimi Rogers, and then to Nicole Kidman, with renege has two children. The 33-yearl-old Holmes rose to fame in the US TV series Dawson's Creek, and has worked in big budget movies such as Batman Begins. Her marriage to Cruise is her first. Lindsay Claiborn Reuters.
