劝人戒烟 英语你会吗(在线收听

   劝人戒烟 英语你会吗

  1、Smoking is bad for your health. 吸烟对你的健康有害。
  2、Smoking will kill you. 吸烟会害了你。
  3、Smoking will give you cancer. 吸烟会导致癌症。
  4、Smoking makes your teeth yellow and ugly. 吸烟让你的牙齿变得又黄又丑。
  5、Smokers pollute the air. 吸烟污染空气。
  6、Smoking sucks! 吸烟太糟了。
  7、You should quit smoking, now! 你应该现在就戒烟!
  8、If you quit smoking now, you'll feel better in no time. 如果你戒烟的话,你很快就会感觉好多了。
  9、People who don't smoke think that cigarettes stink. 不吸烟的人认为烟的味道很差。
  10、Kissing someone that smokes is like kissing an ashtray。吻一个烟民就象吻一个烟灰缸。