

  Rose: I didn't say I liked it. A man bought it for me.
  柔丝: 我没说我喜欢喝啊。是一个男人请的。
  Sue: You met a man! What is his name?
  苏: 你还碰到一个男人!他叫什么名字?
  Rose: His name is Herbert and he was just being 1) polite.
  柔丝: 他叫赫伯特,他只是客气罢了。
  Sue: When a man buys a drink for you, he isn't just being polite.
  苏: 当一个男人请你喝饮料,就绝对不只是客气而已。
  Rose: This man was.
  柔丝: 这个人就是。
  Sue: But he wanted to talk to you, right?
  苏: 但他想跟你聊聊,对吧?
  Rose: Yes. But all he wanted to talk about was computers, baseball, and 2) heavy metal.
  柔丝: 是啦。但他只想谈谈电脑、棒球和重金属。
  Sue: He was probably trying to 3) make conversation.
  苏: 他大概是想找话题。
  A: Will you accept my humble apology?
  B: Stop being so silly! You don't have to be polite with me!
  【make conversation 找话题聊天】
  “找话题聊天”make conversation,有助于减少你与他人彼此相处时的尴尬,至于要如何“破冰”break the ice,避免僵局以及冷场的情况出现,这里提供一些小小的技巧。建议你可以从询问吃喝玩乐的去处开始,让他人提供你建议,也顺便满足一下他们小小的成就感。以下的问句用法一旦娴熟于心,包你吃香喝辣,玩到腿软。
  A: Can you recommend a place to eat/go?
  B: There is a great spot just around the corner. If you don't mind, I'd like to join you.
  1) polite (a.) 客气的
  2) heavy metal 重金属摇滚音乐
  3) make conversation 找话头,想办法聊天。