
   Topic8 数码时代情境导读

  S: Hi, are you being helped?
  T: There is something wrong with my MP3 player. I want to change it for a new one. Any advice?
  S: Why don't you buy a smart phone? You can use it as an MP3 player, and surf the net through it with a build-in modem.
  T: Really? It looks so cool.
  S: Yes. this is the latest model of Nokia with chord music ring tones and Bluetooth.
  T: How is the sound quality?
  S: You can listen to it.
  T: Superb!
  S: And its design is in fashion, and it is a slide one.
  T: How about other functions?
  S: You can also use it to take pictures. and its memory is 512 M.
  T: It sounds great!
  S: Yeah. it is smaller than other ones, easier to carry.
  T: Great. I'II buy it.
  1.there 与is 连读作/e?r?z/。
  2.此处省略了主语和谓语,完整的句子应为"Do you have any advice?"
  4.千以内数字的读法,此处可读作five twelve 或five hundred and twelve.
  正确拼读数字是英语口语的一大堆点。在对话中,512可以读作five twelve,这是千以内数字两种读法中的一种。另一种读法为:先按基数词读出百位上的数,再加上hundred and,然后再读出后面十位和个位上的数,如:999读作 nine hundred and ninety-nine,或按照对话中的读法读作nine ninety-nine。如果遇到几百零几这类数字时,也可以按照这两种读法,零可读作oh,如:
  304读作three hundred and four,或者three oh four。
  200读作two hundred。