

  S: Would you like to buy something here?
  C: This black bag looks pretty. What's the price?
  S: You really have a good eye. It costs 210 yuan.
  C: Oh, it's too expensive. I'm not a deep pocket.
  S: It's a brand name and it's the latest fashion this year.
  C: It's really a high price for a bag. Don't try to rip me off!
  S: If you really like it, you can get a l0 yuan discount.
  C: The price is still higher than I expected. I insist on 150 yuan.
  S: 150 yuan can barely cover the price. Our profit margin is not that large.
  C: Prices are always negotiable. If you can't come down a little more, maybe I will hit another shop.
  S: Let's meet halfway, 180 yuan, OK? I won't let it go for less than this price. I assure you
  can't get a lower price elsewhere. Take it or leave it?
  C: All right. I will take it.
  1.音的同化。尾音/d/遇到/j/,同化为/d?/,所以这里 would you 读作/'w?d??/。
  2.for 弱读为/f?/,与元音连读加辅助音/r/,for a bag 读作/f?r?b?ɡ/。
  3.rip off 是指“宰客,收取不合理的高价”。
  4.insist on sth. 意思是“坚持某事”,insist on doing sth.意思是“坚持做某事”。
  Would you like to buy something here?
  在这个句子中,would you读作/'w?d??/,发音产生了变化,这是因为would的尾字母音/d/与you的首字母音/j/相遇融合
  Could you/'k?d??/ do me a favor please?
  Did you/'d?d??/ receive the letter l wrote to you?