

  C: Please take one of these trolleys there and I will deposit my bag at the checkroom. B: OK. What do you want to buy? C: I want to buy some vegetables and seafood. We also need some seasoning. B: The vegetables are over here. Cabbages, eggplants. bean sprouts.... They do have everything. C: Look at their prices. Probably we can get them cheaper in the vegetable market. B: But it's a little farther for us to go there. C: Look, prawn is on sale today. I'II get half a pound of them and a pound of shrimp. B: Very well. I think it is better to have a bottle of champagne . C: I like it. Where is the seasoning counter? B: It's over there. C: I need a bottle of vinegar and a pack of salt. B: It seems that we also have to buy a pack of sugar. C: OK, I'II fetch it.
  1.do 用在动词前表示强调。此处加在have 前强调“确实有”。发音时也应该重读。 2.弱化现象。for 弱化为/f?/,us 弱化/?s/,for us 连读为/f?r?s/。 3.be on sale 是指“廉价出售”。 4.音的浊化现象。better/'bet?/,实际读音中近似于/'bed?/。
  如果清辅音/t/在非重读音节中,且前后都有元音,则该辅音常会浊化,读音近似于浊辅音/d/。比如: I think it is better to have a bottle of champagne. 我觉得最好买瓶香槟。 better /'bet?/口语中发音接近/'bed?/。 bottle /'b?tl/口语中发音接近/'b?dl/。 The yellow sweater looks very nice. 达件黄毛衣看起来很漂亮。 sweater/?swet?/口语中发音接近/?swed?/。 You will know the fact soon or later. 你迟早会知道真相。 later/'le?t?/口语中发音接近/'le?d?/。