英语读物《神奇树屋》 第十六册 Hour of the Olympics 08 Save Annie!(在线收听

  The guards tried to pull Annie away from thechariot race.

Annie looked surprised. Then she looked angry.

"Let go of me!" she shouted.

Jack rushed down the steps of the viewing stand.

The guards were having a hard time pulling Anniethrough all the people.

"Leave her alone!" Jack yelled.

His voice was lost in the noise of the race. Hepushed his way through the crowd.

"Leave her alone!" he kept shouting. "Leave heralone!"Finally, Jack reached Annie and the guards. Hetried to grab her, but a guard blocked his way.

"Let her go!" yelled Jack. "I promise I'll take herhome!"More guards arrived. The crowd began to shout,"Arrest her! Arrest her!"The guards kept pulling Annie away. "Jack! Thestory!" cried Annie.

Of course! thought Jack. The poet's story! This isdefinitely our darkest hour!

He reached into his bag and pulled out the poet'sscroll.

He held the story up to the sky.

"Save Annie!" he shouted.

But Jack's voice was again lost in the roar of therace as the four-horse chariots barreled through thedust.

Jack looked around wildly for someone- orsomething-to help them.

Then suddenly the crowd fell silent.

All heads turned to watch as a huge white horsegalloped out of the dust.

The crowd murmured with excitement and wonder.

The white horse was the most beautiful animal Jackhad ever seen.

He was pulling an empty chariot.

And he was galloping straight toward Jack.
