《神奇树屋》 第十七册 Tonight On The Titanic 01 A New MISSION(在线收听

       Jack opened his eyes.

It was a stormy night. The rain tapped hard on hiswindow pane.

"Do you hear what the rain is saying?" said a voice.

Jack turned on his lamp.

Annie stood in his doorway. She wore her rainponcho over her pajamas and held a flashlight.

"It's saying, Come now!"she said.

"You're nuts, " said Jack. "Listen, just listen," saidAnnie. Jack listened.

The rain did seem to be tapping out Comenow!

Come now!

"Wehaveto go to the tree house," said Annie. "Somethingimportant is about to happen.""Now?" said Jack.

Jack didn't want to leave his warm, cozy room. Buthe had a feeling Annie was right. Somethingimportant was about to happen.

"You coming?" she said. "Yeah, yeah," he said. Heclimbed out of bed.

"Just put on your rain poncho," said Annie.

Jack threw his rain poncho over his pajamas. Hepulled on his sneakers and grabbed his backpack.

"Don't forget your Master Librarian card, " saidAnnie. "I have mine with me." Jack put the card withthe glowing letters ML on it into his backpack. "I'mready," he said.

Jack and Annie went quietly down the stairs. Thenthey slipped out the door into the chilly, damp night.

The storm had eased up. Rain fell gently as they ranup the street. The wet ground glistened in the beam ofthe flashlight.

They headed into the Frog Creek woods. Windblew through the trees, shaking water to the ground.

Jack shivered. He wiped raindrops off his glasses.

2"Brrr," said Annie. "I'm cold." "Me too, " said Jack.

As they kept walking, Annie pointed the flashlightup into the trees.

"There it is, " she said. Her light had found the treehouse.

"Morgan!" Jack called. There was no answer.

"I wonder what's wrong," said Annie. "I was sureshe'd be here.""Let's go up and see," said Jack.

Annie grabbed the rope ladder and started climbing.

Jack followed. Rain dripped from the trees onto hisponcho.

.They climbed into the tree house. Annie shined herlight into each corner. The first three corners wereempty.

then the flashlight beam hit the fourth. Jack andAnnie gasped with surprise.

Sitting in the corner was a small dog. He lookedlike a terrier puppy. He had scruffy light brown fur.

He stared sadly at Jack and Annie. "Oh!" whisperedAnnie.

"Where did you come from?" said Jack. Anniepatted the dog's head. He wagged his tail.

"He's so cute, " she said. "He looks like a little teddybear. Hi, Teddy."Teddy was actually a good name for him, Jackthought.

"Where did you come from, Teddy?" he asked.

The little dog whimpered.

"Don't be sad, " said Annie. "Everything's okay.""How did he get up here?" Jack asked.

"I don't know. But I bet Morgan had something todo with it," said Annie.

Jack's gaze fell on a piece of paper lying on thefloor.

"I think you're right," he said.

He picked up the paper. On it was fancy writingthat said:

This little dog is under a spell and needs your help.

To free him you must be given four special things:

gift from a ship lost at sea, gift from the prairieblue, gift from a forest far away, gift from a kangaroo.

Be wise. Be brave. Be careful. MorganP.S. Your Master Librarian cards wont help on thismission. just be yourselves and all will be well.

"What kind of spell do you think Teddy is under?"said Annie.

"Who knows?" said Jack.

"Poor thing," said Annie. She patted the dog's head.

He licked her hand.

"It looks like we have to take four trips," said Jack.

Teddy trotted over to a book. He pushed it with hisnose.

"Look!" said Annie. "I bet that will take us on thefirst trip."She picked up the book that the little dog hadchosen.

"Good job, Teddy," she said.

The title of the book wasThe Unsinkable Ship.

"Well, at least that's good," said Jack. "The shipwon't sink, even if itislost.""Ready, Teddy?" asked Annie.

"Arf Arf"he answered.

Jack pointed at the cover of the book.

"I wish we could go there," he said. The windstarted to blow.

The tree house started to spin. It spun faster andfaster.

Then everything was still. Absolutely still.
