《神奇树屋》 第十七册 Tonight On The Titanic 05 William and Lucy(在线收听

       The boy wore a nightshirt. He had red hair andfreckles. He looked about four years old.

He rubbed his eyes sleepily. Then he saw Teddy.

"Puppy!" he said with a huge smile.

He threw his arms around the little dog's neck.

Teddy licked his face.

"Come back to bed, William," a voice called frominside the room.

"Come out!" Annie shouted. "It's an emergency.

A moment later, the door opened wider. A girl in along white nightgown peeked out. She had red hairand freckles, too. She was tall and thin. She looked tobe about twelve or thirteen years old.

"Hello, she said. She put her arm around the littleboy. "I'm Lucy O'Malley. This is my brother,William.""I'm Annie, said Annie. "And this is my brother,Jack.""Get your parents and tell them to come with us,said Jack. Lucy looked confused.

"Our parents aren't here. They're in New York, " shesaid. "We're on our way to them." "Listen, the Titanichas hit an iceberg," said Annie. "We'll take you to alifeboat.""What do you mean?" said Lucy.

"The ship's sinking," said Annie. "Look." Shepointed to the water at the end of the hall.

"Oh, no!" cried Lucy.

"Don't be afraid," said Jack. "Just get your coats andyour life belts. We don't have much time."Lucy nodded. Then she went back inside the roomand came out with their things. Lucy pulled on hercoat and her life belt.

Annie helped William put his on. "Let's go," saidJack.

"Wait, can Teddy fit in your knapsack?" said Annie.

"Try," said Jack.

Annie slipped the little dog into the leatherknapsack on Jack's back. Only Teddy's front paws andhead stuck out.

"Stay there, honey," said Annie. She kissed Teddyon the nose.

Jack didn't feel any extra weight in his knapsack.

The little dog felt as light as air. "Wait-I forgotsomething," said Lucy. "We don't have time-" startedJack.

But Lucy rushed back into the room. "Hurry!"shouted Annie.

When Lucy came out, Jack saw her slip somethinginto her coat pocket. Then she grabbed William'shand.

"Ready?" said Jack.

Suddenly, he felt freezing water brush against hisshoes.

He looked down. The green sea water was slowlymoving down the hall.

"Arf! Arf!"barked Teddy from Jack's pack.

"Run!" cried Annie.
