《神奇树屋》 第十七册 Tonight On The Titanic 09 Time stops(在线收听

  "Where is it?" shouted Annie.

The front of the Titanic sank deeper into the sea.

Jack and Annie fell forward.

They grabbed the railing and held on for their lives.

"Maybe the tree house fell into the ocean," shoutedJack.

A great roar started coming from the ship. Jackimagined everything crashing forward-all thefurniture, dishes, bicycles, the grand clock on thestaircase.

He looked down. A giant wave of water rolled overa lower deck.

Jack imagined water flooding the third classcorridor, the card room, and the grand staircase.

He closed his eyes, waiting to be washed away.

"Arf ArfThe barking came from a distance. "Teddy!" criedAnnie.

Jack had forgotten all about the little dog. Holdingon to the railing, he used one hand to pull off hisknapsack.

Teddy wasn't there'.

There was more frantic barking. "Where's Teddy?"cried Jack. "He's calling us!" shouted Annie.

"We can't look for him!" shouted Jack.

"We'll fall off the ship!"Teddy barked and barked. "He's close by!" saidAnnie.

She held on to the railing and moved slowly downthe steep deck.

"Annie!" cried Jack.

Suddenly, the lights on the Titanic went out. Theworld was pitch-dark.

Jack couldn't see Annie at all.

"Annie!" he shouted.

He tried to move down the deck, too.

But the ship tilted again. Jack slipped and fell.

He rolled until he crashed into a smokestack.

"Jack!" cried Annie. "Here! Here!"Teddy kept barking.

The back of the Titanic was rising out of the ocean.

The front of the ship was going down.

Jack tried to go around the smokestack withoutfalling.

In the dark, he could barely see the tree house. Itwas stuck between a smokestack and the railing. Itwas lying on its side.

Annie and Teddy were looking out the window.

"Teddy's barking led me here!" cried Annie. "Hurry,Jack!"Jack crawled around the smokestack.

He held out his hand. Annie grabbed it. She pulledhim into the tree house.

Teddy licked his face.

"I wish we could go home!" shouted Annie,pointing at the Pennsylvania book.

Jack heard a loudCRA-A-A-ACK!

The wind started to blow.

The tree house started to spin. It spun faster andfaster.

Then everything was still. Absolutely still.
