
   Task OneTask One Task One 题目分类题目分类 题目分类

  1. Place: Library / park / France / restaurant
  最重要的一个决定 (05-12-2)
  你通常喜欢去什么 park 或者 public area (06-1-21) (06-11-17)
  What do you miss most when you are away from home? (06-10-8)
  Describe a special opportunity given to you (06-10-18)
  如果你去 restaurant 或者 café,你总注意的是什么 features. Why (07-1-14)
  Favorite room (07-1-13)
  2. Event: Birthday / graduation / match (basketball)
  印象深刻的 celebration 或者 moment (05-12-26) (06-2-12) (06-12-2)
  说说你的国家喜欢的 sport, game 或者 activity (06-6-9) (06-6-10)
  一个参加过的 memorial 活动之类的 (06-6-16)
  An enjoyable event in your childhood (06-9-23) (06-12-1)
  What do you miss most when you are away from home? (06-10-8)
  An important skill for you (06-11-5)
  3. Person: characteristic
  好老师的 characteristics(06-3-3)
  一个你敬佩的人的好性格(06-3-17) (06-10-22)
  Characteristics of friends (06-5-12) (06-6-24) (07-1-27)
  对你影响最深刻的人 (06-5-26)
  The characteristics of a good parent (06-8-2)
  good leader 应有哪些 qualities (06-10-21)
  4. Animal: panda
  最想从事的职业(06-7-29) (06-11-18)
  你的目標是什麼, 要敘述它的重要性以及會影響你什麼 (06-8-15) (06-10-14)(06-10-15)
  描述一次 challenging experience,以及如何解决这个 challenge (06-8-26)
  An enjoyable event in your childhood (06-9-23)
  Describe a special opportunity given to you (06-10-18)
  5. Movie / music / book / celebrity: Forrest Gump / Finding Nemo / Harry Potter
  最重要的一本书 (05-11-8, 05-11-9)/ 空闲时做的事(05-12-3)
  What will you do to relax yourself (06-9-15) (06-11-19)
  Describe a interesting book (06-3-25)(06-12-8)
  喜欢看那种电影,为什么: comedy, drama… (06-9-9)
  6. Holiday: Spring Festival
  A social or politics celebration events in your culture (05-12-17) (06-2-25)
  7. Magazine
  8. The most efficient transportation in your country (06-4-8)(06-12-15)