《神奇树屋》 第十九册 Tigers at Twilight 05 Night Walk(在线收听

  "Uh-oh," said Jack. "What is it?""I know how to escape the tiger" said Annie. "Ourbook said tigers don't attack elephants, right?""Yeah," said Jack.

"So we should travel through the forest on the backof an elephant," said Annie.

Jack nodded slowly.

"That is a cool idea," he said. "But-No buts. I'll get on first," said Annie.

She climbed down the tree until she was close tothe elephant's back. She carefully lowered herself offa branch. When her feet rested on the elephant's back,she let go of the branch. Then she slowly sat down.

The elephant let out a low rumbling sound andshifted her weight.

"Don't worry, it's just me," Annie said softly. Shepatted the huge creature's back. "Thanks, Saba.""Saba?" said Jack.

"That's her name," said Annie. "She just told me.""Yeah, right," said Jack. Arf! Arf! barked Teddy.

"Come on, Jack," said Annie. "It's not scary."Jack sighed and slowly climbed down the tree.

When he was above Saba, he lowered himself off thebranch.

11He put both feet on the elephant. Then he carefullysat down in front of Annie.

Saba rumbled again.

"Tell her not to worry," said Annie. "Pat her head.""Don't worry, Saba," Jack said. He patted theelephant's head. Her skin was rough and wrinkled.

The elephant curled her trunk back and rested it onJack's head.

"Hi," he said in a small voice.

Saba flapped her ears.

Kah and Ko swung to the ground in front of Saba.

They chattered at her. She waved her trunk at them.

The langurs began bounding through the forest.

Saba followed.

The rest of the herd followed in line. Saba walkedwith a calm, rolling motion. Jack felt as if he wereriding over ocean waves.

A full moon was rising above the trees.

"Where are we going?" Jack asked.

"Just relax," said Annie. "Kah and Ko know whereto go."Arf! Arf! Teddy barked from Jack's back-pack.

"You relax, too," Jack said to the little dog. Firefliesblinked. The moon lit a path between the trees as theelephants marched on.

From a distance came a low growl.

Is that the tiger? Jack wondered.

The elephants paid no attention. They kept walkingthrough the warm woods. They marched slowlyunder hanging vines and through misty clearings.

Kah and Ko bounded ahead of them, two moonshadows leading the way.

"We're going far from the tree house," said Jack.

"Don't worry," Annie said.

Suddenly, a long roar split the night.

A chill went down Jack's spine.

12The roar came again. It turned into a yowling. Theyowling turned into steady moaning. It sounded as ifthe whole forest were moaning.

"That's a really sad sound," said Annie sleepily.

"Yeah," said Jack.

But the elephants all marched on.

Jack rocked in sleepy rhythm with Saba's walk. Hecould hear Teddy snoring in his backpack.

Soon Jack's head rested on Saba's back. He begandrifting in and out of dreams-- dreams of rocking in aboat under the dark treetops.
