美债大限即至 谈判仍陷僵局(在线收听

   美债大限即至 谈判仍陷僵局

  Talks to end impasse falter
  The chances of the US missing the deadline to raise its $16.7bn borrowing limit increased yesterday, as efforts to strike a deal to end the impasse in Washington faltered in Congress.
  Republicans in the House of Representatives failed to rally around their leaders’ plan to end the shutdown and avert a default.
  As the US lurched towards its debt default deadline, House Republicans failed to embrace a compromise being crafted in the Senate by lawmakers from both parties.
  Instead they presented their conservative caucus with a fresh proposal that was immediately rejected by Democrats and the White House, and which faced scepticism from rank-and-file Republicans.
  John Boehner, the Republican Speaker, emerged from a closed-door meeting with party members without any concrete plan to solve the crisis.
  共和党籍的众议院议长约翰·博纳(John Boehner)在与本党成员举行闭门会议后,没有拿出解决危机的任何具体计划。
  “There are a lot of opinions about what direction to go – there have been no decisions about what exactly we will do but we are going to continue to work with our members on both sides of the aisle,” Mr Boehner said.
  Senate talks between Republicans and Democrats – close to being finalized on Monday – were put on hold until House Republicans settled their own position.
  Mr Boehner was either expected to modify his own plan to make it more palatable to the right flank of his party, and hope to pass it with a Republican-only majority, or to concede defeat and accept a bipartisan plan that could pass with Democratic votes.