听播客学英语 198 墙纸(在线收听

   This is just a postscript to the last podcast about Tomma Abts winning the Turner prize. You remember that the leader of the Stuckists said that Tomma’s paintings made 1950’s wallpaper look profound. Well, I see that yesterday an art critic in a leading German newspaper said that her paintings reminded him of something from an East German wallpaper factory.

  What have these people got against wallpaper? I have some very nice wallpaper in my home. I look at it every day and it makes me happy!
  Look at the expression “What have these people got against wallpaper?” It means, why do they not like wallpaper? Why do they think that wallpaper is so bad? What is their problem with wallpaper?
  Here are some more examples:
  What have your parents got against pop music?
  What have you got against Tomma Abts’ paintings?
  What has that man got against Muslims?
  What has your brother got against your new boy-friend?
  What has Joanne’s Mum got against Kevin?