听播客学英语 227 海边(在线收听

   Welcome back. I hope you had a good summer. I hope too that you like the redesign of the web-site.

  Where do British families go for a summer holiday? Nowdays, of course, many families fly to Spain or Greece or Florida, or to more exotic places. But the traditional British family holiday is a seaside holiday – a week (or, if you are really brave, a fortnight) in a caravan or a cottage or a small hotel close to one of the beautiful beaches around the British coast. Here are some of the things you can do on a seaside holiday:
  paddling in the sea
  climbing on the rocks
  exploring rock pools, and finding crabs and other little creatures in them
  building sand castles
  damming streams
  collecting sea-shells
  flying a kite
  eating ice-cream
  There are of course risks and dangers in a British seaside holiday! The most important are:
  the weather – a British summer can be cool and wet.
  sand, which gets exerywhere – in your hair, in your clothes and shoes, and between your toes
  jellyfish, which may sting you when you are swimming in the sea
  the food in English sea-side cafes!
  A British seaside holiday can be a lot of fun – but it helps if you know how to enjoy yourself in the rain!
  There is a Grammar and Vocabulary note for this podcast