听播客学英语 238 特里和特里(在线收听

   I have a video for you today. It is about Terry and his wife, who is also called Terry (Terry is a name which both men and women can have). Together they tell the story of how they first met, and how – over 50 years later – they got married.

  Terry (the man) joined the Royal Air Force (the RAF) in 1944, during the second World War. He was sent to a training camp at Skegness, on the east coast of England. On his first day there, he met Terry (the woman) who was serving in the WRAF (the Women’s Royal Air Force). They went to a dance that evening, and had 12 wonderful weeks together before Terry (the man) was sent to Radio School. The two Terries wrote letters to each other for a time, but then they lost touch. After the war, they both married, and by co-incidence their marriages each lasted for 48 years, until their respective partners died.
  One day the grandson of Terry (the woman) took her for a visit to Skegness. When she got home, she decided to try to find the other Terry. She wrote to the Skegness local paper, which published a paragraph about her story. By chance, a cousin of Terry (the man) saw the story; and so the two Terries met again. Terry (the man) was living on the Isle of Man, which is an island in the Irish Sea, between England and Ireland. Terry (the woman) flew over to see him. She fell in love with the Isle of Man, and with Terry. They found they could talk as if they had last seen one another the evening before, instead of more than 50 years ago. A few months later, they got married, and they have lived “the life of Riley” (ie a wonderful life) ever since.
  As Terry (the woman) says at the end of the video, “I didn’t intend him getting away again!”
  On the podcast website, you will find a link to the BBC Video Nation site, where you can view Terry and Terry telling their story
  Note: look up in a dictionary the phrases “to be in touch with someone” and “to lose touch with someone”. We will use them in a future podcast.