

  Should films and television be censored or should we be freeto choose what we see?
  I don’t think it’s necessary for all films and televisionprograms to be censored.Why?Because I believe people shouldbe given the freedom to choose what they want to see.I know,I know,some people think that’snot cool,because there’s much violence and sex in movies.
  But, in my opinion, grown-ups,especially those who are well-educated can handle thesescenes.Young children may be misled and mis-educated by such things, NOT adults.I stronglybelieve that what we     need is a symbol or sign system to indicate what age group can see aparticular movie. Such as PG 13, PG-18, and so on.And the cinema people should be responsibleenough to refuse the entrance of any   unsuited viewers to a movie.This could be a bettersolution than cutting many scenes out of a movie(141 words)
  How do you think censorship law will change in the next 20 years?
  I’m not a law major nor a movie critic,so this question may seem quite challenging to me.Yet,let me try to answer your question with a few guesses of mine.l
  I think censorship law is just like any law,it will become more citizen-friendly in 20 years time.Imean, the law will become more reasonable and scientific because we will have enough time tomake     amendment to it.And people will discuss it every year to make the law applicable.
  But 20 years is a long time, and no one can say for sure what’s going to happen.Nowadays,everything is changing so fast.The only thing not changing is change itself.Future is unpredictable.And these are a just a few of my speculations. (128 words)