英语小达人 143 Brilliant Fish(在线收听

   Brilliant Fish

  After a long day of fishing, all the fisherman had caught was one small, red salmon. He was about to kill it when the salmon shouted, "Wait, I'm much too small!"
  "Wow, you can talk," the fisherman exclaimed, "What's your name?"
  "Rusty," replied the salmon.
  "Please throw me back into the sea!" The fisherman, not wanting to kill the talking salmon, threw it back into the water.
  One year later, the man was fishing the same spot when he again caught Rusty!
  "Amazing," exclaimed the fisherman, "What have you been doing since I last caught you?"
  "I've been sitting on the wreck of the good ship Titanic writing poetry. I find some of my best inspiration there."
  The fisherman read some of the poems, "These are very good. Have you thought about publishing any of them? " he asked. "What about a title? Have you thought of a title for them?"
  After some thought the fish remarked, "I'll call them 'Salmon Rusty's Titanic Verses.'"