Palaver 繁琐;麻烦(在线收听

   A lot of palaver has made her feel under stress

  Jo: Hello, I'm Jo and you're listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. With me today is Lily, hello.
  Lily: Hello Jo. 是的,两分钟的地道英语节目,短小精悍,常听常练,你能积累许多书本上见不到的英式新词语。 Jo,今天的新词是什么?
  Jo: Well today's Real English word is palaver P.A.L.A.V.E.R. palaver.
  Lily: Palaver. 听上去像个名词,什么意思呢 Jo?
  Jo: Well if something is a palaver, it means there is an unnecessary fuss or bother about the way something is done.
  Lily: I see. Palaver 意思就是,不必要的繁琐和麻烦。
  Jo: So for example, say I'd just bought a new MP3 player, but it was really difficult to work out how to use it and how to put my music on it, that would be a palaver.
  Lily: 这太典型了,买了一个新的 MP3 播放器,可是操作太复杂,说明太啰嗦,这时,你就 可以说,it’s a palaver. Let's listen to some more examples.
  A: Oh I can't believe the whole family are coming to dinner – I'll have to buy lots of food, drink and decide what dishes to cook. It's going to be really stressful.
  B: For 14 people – I can imagine! What a palaver!
  A: Have you applied for that new job yet?
  B: I'm trying but it's a real palaver. I have to fill in about five forms, and write an essay, and I have about two days left!