美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-07-14(在线收听

 Hey, I'm Anderson cooper. Welcome to the podcast. The Zimmerman defense says they are almost done and three young women describe life in captivity, a decade of captivity in life, since they are rescued. Let’s get started.

We begin, though, tonight with the Zimmerman trial. After hearing several hours of argument the judge is saying she plans to rule tomorrow morning on that video. The defense, meantime, is saying he plans to rest tomorrow but not before calling more witnesses to bolster the case. George Zimmerman, while suffering a life-threatening beating while crying for help, shot Trayvon Martinin self-defense, that's their case. In a moment our panel weighs in on whether the jury will agree the first one. Martin Savidge gets up today about what happened.
Famed pathologist Dr. Vincent Di Maio said the bullet hole in Trayvon Martin's clothing and body proved one of the defense's key points, that it was Martinwho was on top of George Zimmerman as they struggled.
Di Maio, a gunshot expert, said he could tell it was Martin on top of Zimmerman, because even though Zimmerman's gun was touching Martin's hoodie when he fired, the hoodie was not touching Martin's skin.
The fact that we know that the clothing was two to four inches away is consistent with somebody leaning over the person doing the shooting and thatthe clothing is two to four inches away from the person firing.
Di Maio also countered the medical examiner's testimony for the prosecution,who previously said Martin could have survived and suffered up to 10 minutes after he was shot. Di Maio said, shot in the heart, Martin would have been unconscious in 10 to 15 seconds.
He's going to be dead within one to three minutes after being shot in this case.
Finally, Di Maio testified that Zimmerman's injuries also fit his account,saying his review of photographs taken that night indicated Zimmerman's headhad suffered at least six impacts against a hard surface.
Is this injury consistent with Mr. Zimmerman's head having impacted a sidewalk?
The prosecution jumped on a key question that the defense expert couldn'tanswer.
You're not testifying here as to who started what led up to the death ofTrayvon Martin?
That's correct, sir.
And you're not saying as to who attacked who, whether it was George Zimmermanwho attacked Trayvon Martin or whether it was Trayvon Martin who attackedGeorge Zimmerman? You can't say to that, correct?
That's correct, sir.
In fact, you can't testify as to who threw the first punch.
That's correct, sir.
And you can't say whether it was Trayvon Martin defending himself or GeorgeZimmerman defending himself in terms of when this first started.
When it first started, that's correct, sir.
Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda got the witness to admit the defense was payingDi Maio $400 an hour for his expertise. But Di Maio said the case didn'trequire a lot of his time.
Up to yesterday, $2,400. This is not exactly a complicated case forensically.
The state was also able to get the pathologist to say it's possible TrayvonMartin could have been trying to move away just before the shot was fired.
And at that point, you don't know if Trayvon Martin was backing up, backingaway, in terms of providing an angle or whether he was going forward, you can'tsay?
All that I said was, it's consistent with his account, Mr. Zimmerman's account.That's all.
But it's also consistent with Trayvon Martin pulling back in terms of providingthe same angle.
I told you that, too, yes, sir.
The last testimony of the day was from Zimmerman's former neighbor, too ill toappear in person. Eloise Dilligard joined a growing list of witnesses who saidshe believes the voice screaming for help sounded like George Zimmerman.
Based on the fact I have only heard George's voice and it's a light male voice,I would say that it was his.
And when you say you have heard him talk, tell us again about how long you haveknown him.
By that time, it was two-and-a-half years.
Perhaps the most powerful statement made in court today didn't take place onthe stand, but when Mark O'Mara said the defense planned to rest Wednesday.Martin Savidge, CNN, Sanford, Florida.