美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-07-23(在线收听

 It is one of the most secret place in America. fedral court at 11 judges what power law electronic survallen on you.  It's work unseen by the public for decades until classified order reviewed last month by some convince innacy laker . shows the mission of intellengence community has more, giving them more data collecting authority or with the blursing of this court. The law has been secretly interpreted the way now allow the government to monitor  the communication of all of us. The drag nap of the valence now aquare. it appears to be acting as Robert's fame.   The judge's rotate serving one week a time appointed exclusively by this this man achieving this John Robert who is confermation hearing express a natural resulvation to the idea. Now we usually think, we think of court, we think about place we can go, we can watch. The lawyers argue and  substitutely, glare  a bucity. By the third of intellence survallance called anything but public. It is here somewhere inside the volin fedral court complicate of the competition avenue in Washington DC. The place of the court is so secret, we do not even know exactly where can be inside the building. And, House of work, it was designed to allow government survallence when individual propose national security concern before they have that.   Until the niquesequency, it is to make sure that the spire that enload to the effect you are now watch what he or she is doing. The question now is whether this court appose 911 is protecting the privacy of America. The sectors that secure laws. and secure body of law that make probably the most vacsing in the most usual. only the adjust department goes to for the court, for permission to conduct survalle, third party don't get her directly. Unless they go through, you guess it, the adjust department. There is a very strange process where an individual of organization that want to interpret what they court  need to go through there apsery who asked the gay keeper to that court. Even the judge through by the court worry it makes that too much unchecked authority. The private court is expect between the one side and that side was one. Some in congress the process the chain but so far no one come up with the right way to balance national security and public  shcllnomy

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