美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-09-03(在线收听

 The representatives from the United Nations describes the situation in Syria as the most serious crisis facing the international community. UN inspectors are in Syria. They are working to figure out if chemical weapons are used in the country. UN described chemical weapons use as outrageous and unacceptable. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, considers chemical weapon a threat to international peace. Tom explains the impact of one of these kinds of weapons.

Sarin can be launched in an artillery shell or a missile. It can be dropped from an airplane. It goes out as liquid, but, as it spreads out, it very quickly and easily turns into a gas. The truth is, it is colorless, it is odorlessYou have no idea you were even being attacked by it, even though it’s much[img]lethal[/img] than cyanide. What does it do to people? Well, it can cause blur vision, rack of breathing, heavy sweat, confusion, headaches, in the worst cases, nausea, convulsion, paralysis, and it shuts down the ability of the body to breath, even death. And, in the worst cases, that can come very, very quickly, perhaps within even one minute.
US and other countries are considering whether to take actions against Syria. On Tuesday the White House said President Obama was reviewing his options, but had not decided anything yet at that time. One option could be a military strike. US warships, like CNN mention , are in the Mediterranean Sea. Military officials say they are ready if the president gives an order to strike. Most of viewers who participate in a quick poll on our blog think US should not take military actions in Syria. Here’s where the latest number were last night. 59 percent said US should not strike. 36 percent said it should. 5 percent were undecided. Cathy said we had nothing to do with what’s going on there and we shouldn’t get involved even if chemical weapons were involved. Mike writes that while there are many tragic situations in the world, I question if the USA should always be likely step up and lead a response. Chang says chemical weapons are serious and in that region of the world they can not be ignored. US has the responsibility to exert influence in the situation. From Anthony Nick, we don’t need to jump in another war right now. We need to focus on our own problems. Noah Allalany said the US should take actions. Serious civil war can get way out of hand soon. We need to control it before it does. And from Georgia, let’s forget about violence and work and the economy. We’ve got enough on our play.
US military jury says Majors Nickdull Hassan should be put to death. That verdict yesterday comes nearly four years after a shooting in a US army base. 13 people were killed in the attck, ??? Texas in 2009, 32 others were wounded. Hassan was convicted of murder and attempted murder charges for all of those victims. Hassan served as his own attorney in the trial, and refused to offer much of his defense or any closing arguments in the sentencing phase. Jury’s recommendation of the death penalty goes to an army general that they revere.