澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-01-15(在线收听

 New South Wales firefighters are throwing everything they've got, the large bushfire is still burning out of control in the state's northwest. The fire is just one kilometers from the township of Bugaldie near Coonabarabran. It's already destroyed 33 homes.

Islamist fighters in the west African nation of Mali has seized a town that houses a key government army base. France is continuing its attacks on the rebels. Britain is offering its support and troops from the African neighbours are due to arrive in the country within days.
Disgraced cyclis Lance Armstrong has reportedly apologized to the staff of his Livestrong cancer foundation, aehad of a much anticipated interview with Oprah Winfrey, the spokeswoman for the foundation says Armstrong has held private talks with staff about his fall from grace. Armstrong apparently told staff he was sorrow for letting them down. But didn't make a direct confession about taking banned drugs.
U.S preisdent Barack Obama is putting pressure on the Republicans to agree to lifting the country's debt ceiling. He's warned a failure to do so will trigger economic chaos, analysts say the U.S could hit its 16.4 trillion dollar debt limit as early as next month.
Federal labors started the election years with a big jump in support in the latest newspoll. Labor's primary vote is up 6% to 38%, the coalition holds a slender lead in the two party preferred vote, 51% to 49%.