
  1)[attrib 作定语] of drama 戏剧的: a dramatic society 戏剧协会

  例: The play is a dramatic representation of a real event. 这出话剧改编自真人真事.

  exciting or impressive 戏剧性的; 激动人心的; 给人深刻印象的: dramatic changes, developments, news 激动人心的变化、发展、消息

  例: Her opening words were dramatic. 她的开场白十分动听.

  2)dramatically / -kl?; -kl?/ adv: Her attitude changed dramatically. 她的态度突然大大改变.

  dramatics n [usu sing v 通常与单数动词连用]

  1 study or practice of acting and producing plays 戏剧表演和创作的研究或实践: amateur dramatics 业余戏剧活动.

  2 (derog 贬) exaggerated or over-emotional behaviour 夸张的或过分激动的行为: I’ve had enough of your dramatics. 我看够你装腔作势的表现了.

  dra,matic `irony effect produced in a drama, etc when the audience understands the implications of words or actions better than the characters do themselves 戏剧性讽示(一种戏剧效果, 观众领会到剧中人言行的含义而剧中人本身却未领会到).
