

Kerry Tries to Boost Israeli-Palestinian Talks 克里希望推动巴以谈判

JERUSALEM — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is visiting Israel and the Palestinian territories in another attempt to bolster their faltering peace talks.

Kerry wants to give a boost to Israeli-Palestinian talks that have been rocky since they were revived four months ago.


Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat complained at a recent meeting with diplomats that the Israelis continue to expand Jewish settlements in the West Bank.


“These negotiations need to be protected," he said. "They need to be protected against a [Israeli] government that is acting for the settlers, by the settlers, from the settlers.”


Before Kerry's arrival, Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev reaffirmed Israel's commitment to the talks.


"The idea is to solve problems, to narrow the historic gaps that separate us," he said. "Israel is committed to making such an ongoing effort, I hope the Palestinians are too."The head of East Jerusalem’s PASSIA think tank, Mahdi Abdul Hadi, said Kerry's visit is aimed primarily at restoring confidence at the talks.


“His [Kerry's] presence is a clear message that Washington is interested, Washington is following up the details, and Washington is going to work it out with all parties concerned with no exclusion of anyone," said Hadi.

东耶路撒冷的智库PASSIA负责人Mahdi Abdul Hadi说,克里来访的目的主要是恢复对谈判的信心。“他的到来明确说明华盛顿对此感兴趣,正在跟进一些细节,并准备与各方一道解决问题,不排除任何一方。”

But there is little optimism on either side, said Ephraim Kam, an analyst with Tel Aviv's Institute for National Security Studies.

但特拉维夫国家安全研究所分析员Ephraim Kam说双方都不是很乐观。

"At the moment I don't see any chance for making progress, perhaps some progress on partial issues, temporary agreements, perhaps yes," he said. "But the Palestinians don't want it. They want a comprehensive agreement."Kerry also is seeking to reassure the Israeli government that Iran will not be allowed to violate the recent interim accord freezing its suspected nuclear weapons program.


But many in Israel doubt Iran's sincerity. An analyst with the Institute for Counter-Terrorism, Ely Karmon, said the Iranian government wants to join the nuclear club to expand its influence on the world stage.

但以色列很多人怀疑伊朗的诚意,反恐研究所分析员Ephraim Kam说伊朗政府希望加入核俱乐部,来扩大其在世界舞台上的影响力。

“Iran, or the Tehran regime, sees itself today not only as a hegemony in the Gulf, or even in the Middle East, but as a global power," he said. "So for this regime, and I think for even Iranian nationalists everywhere, the nuclear military capability is a must.


Given these differences, expectations for any major breakthrough from this visit are low. 

