
A CCTV correspondent asked people on the streets of Tokyo about what they know about the Nanjing Massacre. Many people said that they had never heard of the massacre.

A former professor of Hokuriku University who has been studying the history of World War Two said that Japan has destroyed evidence to avoid taking responsibility, and Japan should reflect and respect history.

CCTV reporter asked: "Have you ever heard of the Nanjing Massacre?"

Japanese answered: "No, I don't know about it."

CCTV reporter asked: "Do you know anything about the Nanjing Massacre?"

Japanese student answered: "No."

CCTV reporter asked: "Have you learned anything in history books?"

Japanese student answered: "No, I don't think so."

"Ordinary Japanese, even some politicians have never heard of the massacre, and many doubt whether it happened. Until now, many Japanese believed that the Tokyo War Crimes Trial is some sort of punishment of Japan, they think it is unfair. Germany punished the Nazis after the war, however, Japan didn't do the same, so many don't know the crimes Japan committed in the war time," a history scholar said.
