美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-11-15(在线收听

 The death toll in the typhoon-ravaged Philippine islands stands at more than 900. But authorities fear it could climb to 10,000 or more. Bodies lay uncollected and uncounted in the streets and survivors pleaded for food, water and medicine. Foreign governments and agencies have annouced a major relief effort to help victims.

President Barack Obama paid tribute to America's veterans by laying a wreath at Arlington National Cemetery Monday. He also honored one of the nation's oldest veterans, 107-year-old Richard Overton, who fought in World War II.
Secretary of State John Kerry said the Iranian envoys backed off from a deal seeking to ease Western concerns that Tehran could one day develop atomic weapons. But Iran agreed Monday to offer more information and expanded access to U.N. nuclear inspectors.
The Atlantic Braves are leaving Turner Field and moving to a new 42,000-seat, $672 million stadium complex in Cobb County in 2017.
Jill Craig, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.