美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2013-11-27(在线收听

 1. Iran has agreed to a temporary freeze of its nuclear program. The agreement with the United States and 5 other world powers calls on Tehran to curb nuclear activities for 6 months while a long-term deal is negotiated.  "The burden is on Iran to prove to the world that its nuclear program will be exclusively for peaceful purpose. "

2. And Jerusalem Israeli prime minister Netanyahu called the agreement a historic mistake.  Other western allies in the Persian golf are remained conspicuously quite.
3. At the Vatican, Pope Francis publicly unveiled a handful of bone fragments. That may be those of St, Peter, Patriarch of the Catholic Church. 
4. And Britain prince Harry continues  preparing for his race to the South Pole.  He and teammates spent Saturday getting ready for the 200 miles charity trek. The race to the South Pole starts on Monday, the team from British commonwealth and  United States.