美国有线新闻 CNN 2013-11-24(在线收听

 Hey I'm Anderson Cooper. Welcome to the  Potcast. Why liberals and Conservatives are like claiming John F kenndy's legacy. Let's get started.

We are talking about the legacy of John F kenndy as president and the intriguing fact that so many people Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative are  like all cliaming pieces of that legacy as their own. We saw President Obama honoring president Kenndy just a short time of bill tonight. In this next protion of his remark you can see why JFK is tough minded brand of political action has * parti* appeal for so many.
That unbanding belief that the power to make a great nation is found in its people and in their freedom. That was his phylosiphy. That was his legacy. And his legacy told in villages around the world that have clean water or new school. And steady friend of United States, thanks to the volunteers of the Peace Corp. It's a legacy found in the courage of all who serve under our pro like, willing like President Kenndy himself to pay any price bear any burden for the survival and success of our liberty.
That's from President Kenndy's * and it soon inspires people of political strips. So did meeting the president, you saw this the top of programs. It is remarkable that prehaps only Bill Cliton knew at that time hand-shake that he says reall sparkes his life of public service. He will go on a course be a centralized politician. 
A young Roger William will be a key party conservative but he says that  shaking president Kenndy's hand and hearing him talk help shape his political destiny. Da Bash report.
Roger Williams was a 14-year-old boy in Latin class when he learnt John F Kenndy was asassinated.
The president of United States is dead.
Principal came into our class whispered sentences to Mr.Hanning's ear. And Mr.Hanning put a seat. He didnt' say anything to us. He put his head on the desk. He started crying.
One word to describe the breath.
It was a scene that students experienced all across the country. But for Williams, it was different. He had just met the president that morning.
I couldn't fathom it frankly because I did see him there half ago.
His father was a car dealer in ForthWorth Texas where the president started out the day he was killed. Williams' told the local congressman he would supply cars for the president's motorcade but only on one condition.
He said the only thing that i ask or, congressman, is that my wife and my son can meet the president.
And that 's exactly what happened at the Texas Hotel after what turned out to be the final speech of JFK's life.
This is a very dangerous and uncertain world. We would like to live as we want to live, but history will not permitted.
No one took Williams' picture with Kenndy, but it was in * in his memory.
All of sudden came Mrs. Kenndy. She came around the corner that pink dress and she shook my mother's hand, and she shoke my hand and stood right next to me. And then here came the president. And the president had a cigarness smell. He took a took a puff out of cigar and put it in a sander. He came around the corner and i remember what kind of shoes he had on, the black capital shoes which men still wear today. And he shook my mother's hand.And he came to me and shook my hand and did not let it go.And looked back my mother said it's a pleasure to meet your son.
Little been Williams know than, he would became one of the last people Kenndy would ever meet.
I literally was the last person to shake his hand as he left that hotel. I mean that hotel that day.
Now, Williams is a memebr of congress and credited his encounter day with JFK that fatalful day fifty years ago was his interest in public service.
It's hard to describe.It's sometimes gets emotional. It eventually enpowered me to do something for my country of the idea that i'm here today in United States' congress. A lot of started on that day.
But unlike the liberal JFK, Williams is a Conservative. A GOP house freshman elected with help from the tea party. Still, he argues his ideals are a lot like Kenndy's. Especially his belief in America as the greatest country on earth.
He touched my heart and soul. And i am of the generation where   i really believe that on that moment. On that moment, the world changed
* Bash, CNN, capital *