

Mandela Mourners Seek Closure at Robben Island 罗本岛的曼德拉悼念活动即将结束

ROBBEN ISLAND, SOUTH AFRICA — After 10 days of official mourning, Nelson Mandela’s body has been laid to rest.  On Robben Island off Cape Town, where Mandela was imprisoned, visitors are coming together seeking some kind of closure after an emotional week for South Africa.


Crossing the rolling swells of Table Bay, the old boats that once carried prisoners to Robben Island are now packed with well-wishers coming to pay their respects at the site of Nelson Mandela’s incarceration.


He spent 18 of his 27 years in jail on this island, alongside dozens of other political prisoners.


Among them was Vusumzi Mcongo, who was jailed here for 12 years. He now works as a tour guide.

这其中有个叫Vusumzi Mcogo的人,他在这里被监禁了12年,现在是一名导游.

“People come to mourn every day in different ways.  To give him their last respects.  And we have to respect that; the people actually say they have lost a father,” he said.


Prisoners were forced to toil day after day in the island’s lime quarry, where the harsh light permanently damaged Mandela’s eyesight.  The tiny damp cell, now a simple shrine to his memory, also contributed to his ill health in later years.


But former prisoners here say they did not want Robben Island to become a monument to suffering and hardship, but rather to the triumph of the human spirit over the forces of evil.


And that triumph, says Mcongo, was personified in Nelson Mandela.


“He was an inspiration to us.  As some of the other prisoners that were here, he led us.  He gave us that leadership and education.  The country and the world at large have lost a hero of a different epoch,” he said.


Many visitors hope a visit here offers a chance to come to terms with Mandela’s death. “It is kind of like seeking for closure.  It is a tragedy.  I do not know how to explain it.  It has been hard. And it is going to take a while,” said Amanda Tshabalala who is from Cape Town.

很多游客都希望此次旅行还能有机会去送曼德拉最后一程。“我想应该到结束的时候了。这是一场悲剧。我不知道如何用言语表达。这的确是一场艰难的经历,需要用一段时间去化解。”来自开普敦的Amada Tshabalala说。

William Dikotsi from Johannesburg says the visit brings home the enormity of Nelson Mandela’s achievements.

来自Johannesburg的William Dikotsi说,他领略了曼德拉的崇高与伟大,的确是不虚此行.

“Today we realized that what Mandela did was best for this country.  Because he avoided the bloodshed.  He avoided what is happening in other African countries.  And we never [not only] lost a leader, we lost a father,” he said.


Behind the prison walls, forced to endure degrading treatment at the hands of the white prison guards, Nelson Mandela forged the political courage that would offer his country a future beyond apartheid.

狱墙之内,纳尔逊 曼德拉被迫忍受白人狱监的人格侮辱,但是却造就了他为他的国家超越种族隔离的未来而战的政治勇气。

And it is to this remote island where thousands of people come to salute that courage; and to say simply, "Thank you, Madiba." 在这个偏远的小岛上,成千上万的人们来向这种勇气致敬。简单来说,“谢谢你,曼德拉”
