

Top 5 Songs for Week Ending Dec. 21 12月21日本周流行单曲热榜前五名

We’re checking out the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 pop singles chart, for the week ending December 21, 2013.

我们来了解一下本周末即2013年12月21日的Billboard 100首流行单曲榜。

Nothing new enters our charmed circle this week, but the list gets a good shaking up. Let’s open in fifth place, where last week’s champ, Miley Cyrus falls to fifth  place with “Wrecking Ball.”  Miley has finally opened up about her relationship with ex-boyfriend, Australian actor Liam Hemsworth, with whom she broke up after  nearly four years. Speaking with Barbra Walters, Miley said that for a long time, she was scared of being alone - and that conquering that fear was among her biggest  accomplishments this year.


麦莉·赛勒斯终于走出了与前男友澳大利亚演员连恩·汉斯沃分手的阴影区,时至今日,两人分手已将近四年。在与芭芭拉·沃尔特斯的谈话中,麦莉透露她曾一度非常恐惧自己孑然一身, 并表示,战胜这种恐惧是她本年度最伟大的成果之一。

Stepping back a slot in fourth place comes Lorde with another former title-holder, “Royals.” Last week, Lorde surprised her fans by releasing a new single, “No  Better.” She also says she’s writing songs for her second full-length album, but hasn’t had a chance to hit the studio yet.

第四名的是罗尔迪与另一位冠军保持者带来的歌曲《皇室》。上周,罗尔迪以一首新发布的单曲《无与伦比》惊艳了她的粉丝。她表示在第二张标准长度专辑里,自己也操刀写歌,只是目前 尚无机会录制。

Up two slots to third place goes OneRepublic with “Counting Stars.” This song has already hit number one in the United Kingdom, but how high has OneRepublic risen in  its U.S. homeland?  Well, they haven’t had a U.S. number one single…yet.  Back in 2007, their debut single “Apologize” reached second place, while hitting number  one in more than a dozen countries.

排行榜的第三名是共和时代乐队带来的一首《星光无限》,这首歌曲在英国俨然摘得状元之冠,但在共和时代乐队的本土美国又有怎样的成绩呢?目前,该乐队尚没有一首歌曲荣获美国单曲 之最。我们回顾2007年,他们凭借一首《致歉》获得了单曲热榜第二名的成绩,但相较于单曲冠军,该歌曲席卷的国家数目要远超十多个。

Up two slots to second place go Pitbull and Ke$ha with “Timber.” Pitbull tells radio host Ryan Secrest that Avicii’s international hit “Wake Me Up” inspired him  to use a harmonica in this song. As for him working with Ke$ha - they’d sung and toured together before, and Pitbull says they became good friends.

排行榜的榜眼是皮普保罗与卡莎共同演绎的《Timber》。皮普保罗告诉广播主持人瑞安·西克雷斯特,维姬的一首席卷国际的歌曲《唤醒我》激发了他的创作灵感,即在歌曲中融入口琴。在 与卡莎的合作中,他们一起唱歌,一起巡回演出,现在他们已经成为一对挚友。

Up at number one is a familiar duo: Eminem and Rihanna with “The Monster.” How many times have they collaborated? If you said twice, you’re wrong - This is their  fourth collaboration. You probably remember their huge 2010 hit “Love The Way You Lie,” and they also sang together on its sequel, “Love The Way You Lie (Part II). ” Finally, the pair worked together on “Numb,” which appears on Rihanna’s latest album, Unapologetic.

问鼎本周单曲排行榜冠军宝座的是我们熟悉的艾米纳姆和蕾哈娜倾情奉献的一首《怪兽》,这是他们第几次合作呢?如果你认为是第二次,那就错了——这是他们第四次合作。你或许记得 2010年他们的打榜热歌《 沉迷于你的谎言》,在后续发布的《沉迷于你的谎言2》中他们也曾通力合作。之后二人共同演绎的《浑然不觉》歌曲,发布在了蕾哈娜的最新唱片《道歉太难》中 。

That’s it for now, but let’s reunite next week for a new lineup.

