
Bird flu has broken out on a poultry farm 200 kilometers to the south of Beijing. Authorities have closed off the area within a 3-kilometer radius of the farm in Baoding city, Hebei Province. Ning Hong reports on what other measures are being taken.


Bird flu has broken out on a poultry farm 200 kilometers to the south of Beijing. Authorities
have closed off the area within a 3-kilometer radius of the farm in Baoding city, Hebei


The bird flu found on this poultry farm is the H5N2 virus. It’s the first time this strain has been found on the Chinese mainland. Local authorities have closed off the farm and disposed of all poultry within three kilometers.

"We will follow the standard to isolate, burn, bury and carry out hazard-free treatments for all poultry products.” Zhang Wenguang, director of Agricultural Bureau of Nanshi district, said.

The local government has banned animal product circulation within five kilometers and launched emergency culling and isolation of all susceptible animals.

Reporter: "The region is densely populated and has many poultry farms, so authorities are taking the matter very seriously. All vehicles within a 3-kilometer radius entering the area much be disinfected. The measure will last for at least a month."

Ten staff from the farm, along with the owner, are under quarantine.

"We are monitoring the areas near the farm, other poultry farms and water systems. Results from the first batch of samples are all negative.” Lu Jicheng, director of Baoding Animal Disease Center, said.

Epidemic prevention workers are conducting routine disfection around the farm. Local authorities say the epidemic has been effectively contained.
