英语听力:澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2013-11-12(在线收听

 A new video of the man thought to be Australia's first suicide bomber has emerged on the internet. The man known as Abu Asma blew himself up at a Syrian army checkpoint in September. The video shows the terrorist group preparing the massive truck bomb used in the attack. 

A senior advisor to the Indonesian government has revealed Australia and Indonesia are discussing an asylum seeker swap deal. Dewi Fortuna Anwar is an advisor to Indonesia's vice president. She says, under the deal, asylum seekers intercepted by Australian authorities will be sent to Indonesia in exchange for refugees. 
The Philippines' President Benigno Aquino has declared a state of national calamity as authorities struggle to get aid to victims of typhoon Haiyan. Up to 10,000 people perished and thousands of survivors are still waiting for aid to reach them. 
James Packer has been given the green light to build a new casino in Sydney. Legislation paving the way for Sydney's second casino will be introduced to the New South Wales Parliament as early as today. The 1.3-billion-dollar project will target Asian and local high rollers. 
Australian Rugby star Billy Slater has been released from custody after an incident outside the Manchester night club. Slater and another man were questioned by police investigating a scuffle. A statement from the Kangaroos team management says police determined that Slater was the victim of the attack.