
   AMERICA’S wealthy, lured by the mineral springs, flocked to Saratoga during the 19th century. Gilded-Age figures such as J.P. Morgan, the financier, summered there. The race course, which opened in 1863, became a huge draw. Even James Bond placed a flutter at the Saratoga track in “Diamonds are Forever”. Yet, until recently, Saratoga did not have much else going for it. Although colleges and universities crowd the Greater Capital Region of New York, the five-county spread where Saratoga sits, there were few jobs around. Things are different now.

  Thanks to a cold call placed by the Saratoga Economic Development Corporation in 2005, pitching the area as an ideal site for a factory, GlobalFoundries, a semiconductor manufacturer, is building a $4.6 billion, 2m-square-foot campus in a Saratoga forest (above). The main site, a former secret missile-testing range, is as big as six American-football fields. The Semi-Conductor Association estimates that the five-year cost of building and operating a factory making the wafers needed for semiconductors is $1 billion dearer in the United States than elsewhere. Luckily, New York state offered a $1.4 billion incentive package. Some resent the subsidies, but the state anticipates a return of $2.54 for every dollar spent on the project.
  The investment will also create 1,600 direct jobs and about 8,000 indirect ones, creating an annual payroll of some $300m. The first hires come from all over the world, but about 50% are local, and GlobalFoundries expects this proportion to grow. It is working with local colleges and universities to create a labour pool for the future. More than half the jobs require at least an associate’s degree (ie, one granted by a technical or community college) in electronics or semiconductor manufacturing. Along with other high-tech companies, GlobalFoundries is working closely with Hudson Valley Community College, which has a dedicated semiconductor-training campus, called TEC-SMART, nestled in the same forest. It shares the space with local high-schoolers. “In a way we’re preparing for jobs that don’t exist yet,” says Joseph Dragone, a district superintendent.
  该项目的投入也将直接创造1600个工作机会和间接创造8000个工作机会,每年发放的工资总额约3亿美元。首批雇员来自世界各地,但约有50%的雇员是当地人,全球晶圆公司希望此比例有所增长。该公司与当地的大专院校合作为未来打造人才储备库。有一半以上的工作岗位要求至少有电子或半导体制造专业的大专学位(即由专科学校或社区大学授予)。全球晶圆公司同其他高科技公司一起,与哈德逊谷社区学院(Hudson Valley Community College)紧密合作,该学院拥有一个名为“TEC-SMART”的专门用于半导体相关培训的园区,也坐落于同一片森林区。当地的高中生也能共享此资源。“从某种程度上来说,我们正在为尚未出现的工作机会做准备。” 该地区一位负责人Joseph Dragone说。