经济学人196:学术不端 一系列的错误(上)(在线收听

   Science and technology

  Misconduct in science
  An array of errors
  Investigations into a case of alleged scientific misconduct have revealed numerous holes in the oversight of science and scientific publishing.
  ANIL POTTI, Joseph Nevins and their colleagues at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, garnered widespread attention in 2006.
  2006年,ANIL POTTI, Joseph Nevins和他们在杜克大学的同事们引起了广泛的关注。
  They reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that they could predict the course of a patient's lung cancer using devices called expression arrays,
  which log the activity patterns of thousands of genes in a sample of tissue as a colourful picture.
  A few months later, they wrote in Nature Medicine that they had developed a similar technique which used gene expression in laboratory cultures of cancer cells,
  known as cell lines, to predict which chemotherapy would be most effective for an individual patient suffering from lung, breast or ovarian cancer.
  At the time, this work looked like a tremendous advance for personalised medicine—the idea that understanding the molecular specifics of an individual's illness will lead to a tailored treatment.
  The papers drew adulation from other workers in the field, and many newspapers, including this one, wrote about them.
  The team then started to organise a set of clinical trials of personalised treatments for lung and breast cancer.
  Unbeknown to most people in the field, however, within a few weeks of the publication of the Nature Medicine paper a group of biostatisticians at the MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston, led by Keith Baggerly and Kevin Coombes, had begun to find serious flaws in the work.
  可是大多数领域内的人不知道的是,由Keith Baggerly和Kevin Coombes领导的德州大学MD Anderson癌症中心的生物统计师们在这篇论文发表之后的几周就开始发现其中的严重问题。
  Dr Baggerly and Dr Coombes had been trying to reproduce Dr Potti's results at the request of clinical researchers at the Anderson centre who wished to use the new technique.
  When they first encountered problems,
  they followed normal procedures by asking Dr Potti, who had been in charge of the day-to-day research, and Dr Nevins, who was Dr Potti's supervisor, for the raw data on which the published analysis was based—and also for further details about the team's methods,
  so that they could try to replicate the original findings.
  A can of worms
  Dr Potti and Dr Nevins answered the queries and publicly corrected several errors, but Dr Baggerly and Dr Coombes still found the methods' predictions were little better than chance.
  Furthermore, the list of problems they uncovered continued to grow.
  For example, they saw that in one of their papers Dr Potti and his colleagues had mislabelled the cell lines they used to derive their chemotherapy prediction model,
  describing those that were sensitive as resistant, and vice versa.
  This meant that even if the predictive method the team at Duke were describing did work,
  which Dr Baggerly and Dr Coombes now seriously doubted, patients whose doctors relied on this paper would end up being given a drug they were less likely to benefit from instead of more likely.
  Another alleged error the researchers at the Anderson centre discovered was a mismatch in a table that compared genes to gene-expression data.
  The list of genes was shifted with respect to the expression data, so that the one did not correspond with the other.
  On top of that, the numbers and names of cell lines used to generate the data were not consistent.
  In one instance, the researchers at Duke even claimed that their work made biological sense based on the presence of a gene, called ERCC1,
  that is not represented on the expression array used in the team's experiments.
  Even with all these alleged errors, the controversy might have been relegated to an arcane debate in the scientific literature if the team at Duke had not chosen,
  within a few months of the papers' publication to launch three clinical trials based on their work.
  Dr Potti and his colleagues also planned to use their gene-expression data to guide therapeutic choices in a lung-cancer trial paid for by America's National Cancer Institute.
  That led Lisa McShane, a biostatistician at the NCI who was already concerned about Dr Potti's results, to try to replicate the work.
  这促使已经在关注Potti博士的研究结果的NCI生物统计师Lisa McShane尝试重现这个结果。
  She had no better luck than Dr Baggerly and Dr Coombes.
  The more questions she asked, the less concrete the Duke methods appeared.
  In light of all this, the NCI expressed its concern about what was going on to Duke University's administrators.
  In October 2009, officials from the university arranged for an external review of the work of Dr Potti and Dr Nevins, and temporarily halted the three trials.
  The review committee, however, had access only to material supplied by the researchers themselves,
  and was not presented with either the NCI's exact concerns or the problems discovered by the team at the Anderson centre.
  The committee found no problems, and the three trials began enrolling patients again in February 2010.
  Finally, in July 2010, matters unravelled when the Cancer Letter reported that Dr Potti had lied in numerous documents and grant applications.
  He falsely claimed to have been a Rhodes Scholar in Australia.
  Dr Baggerly's observation at the time was, I find it ironic that we have been yelling for three years about the science,
  which has the potential to be very damaging to patients, but that was not what has started things rolling.
  1.array n.一系列;大批;数组
  The era also gave birth to a whole array of new social problems.
  2.misconduct n.不端行为
  She was fired for misconduct yesterday.
  3.tissue n.纸巾;薄绢
  She gave us a box of tissues.
  4.chemotherapy n.化学疗法
  She emaciated during the chemotherapy.
  5.ovarian a.卵巢的
  Ovarian cancer is a malignant tumour in the ovary.