经济学人270:法医动物学 保护大象刻不容缓(在线收听

   Science and technology

  Forensic zoology
  The elephant in the room
  Dating ivory has just become easier. Poachers beware
  FEW megafauna are more charismatic than elephants, and that charisma gives them political clout.
  On July 1st, for example, Barack Obama used the Tanzanian leg of his tour of Africa to announce an executive order intended to give teeth to America's obligation, as a party to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, to prevent the smuggling of poached ivory.
  The rules on trading ivory, though, are hard to enforce, for if it comes from an animal killed before 1990 such trade is legal.
  Not surprisingly, a cottage industry in making ivory look older than it is has grown up.
  But a paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, by Kevin Uno of the University of Utah and his colleagues, may deal with that.
  犹他大学的Kevin Uno和他的同事发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上的一篇论文可以解决这个问题。
  For Dr Uno has worked out how to use one of science's less glorious episodes, the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, to work out exactly how old a piece of ivory really is.
  Dr Uno's method uses the ivory's carbon-14 content in a way that was not previously employed.
  What radiochemists call 14C forms naturally in the atmosphere by the action of cosmic rays on nitrogen atoms.
  It has a half-life of 5,730 years, which makes it ideal for dating objects pertinent to human history, and it can do so to within a few decades of their true age—which is great for archaeology.
  It is not, though, much use for finding out whether a particular piece of ivory was detached from the elephant that grew it before or after a specific date just over 20 years ago.
  But Dr Uno realised there has recently been a second source of 14C—those bomb tests. And they give him the precision he requires.
  Normally, the amount of 14C in the atmosphere is governed by the rate at which cosmic radiation creates it and the rate at which things like photosynthesis absorb it.
  Between 1952 and 1962, however, when bomb tests above ground were commonplace, the amount of 14C in the air shot up until it was nearly double the normal level.
  Since then it has fallen, also quite steeply, as plants have absorbed the surplus.
  And it will continue to fall until the old equilibrium reasserts itself.
  This bomb curve, as it is known, changes so fast that year-by-year differences in the 14C levels of recent specimens should be detectable.
  To test this hypothesis, Dr Uno and his colleagues looked at 29 specimens of known age, from 1905 to 2008.
  These included elephants' tusks, teeth and tail hair, and hippopotamus teeth.
  They measured the specimens' 14C content using a sensitive technique called accelerator mass spectrometry.
  For those tissues that had grown after 1955 the 14C concentration did, as the researchers hoped it would, closely match the bomb curve.
  Indeed, for these the match was so good that their ages could be determined to within a year of the truth.
  At the moment Dr Uno's technique costs 1,000 a pop, so some places, particularly poorer countries in Africa, might be reluctant to deploy it.
  But in the context of an illegal trade in ivory reckoned to be worth about 1 billion a year, that is not a huge amount of money.
  And if it helps preserve elephants, whose numbers in Africa have fallen from 1.3m to 600,000 in the past 40 years, many would see it as money well spent.
  1.intend to 打算,想要
  As we both have families, we intend to be discreet.
  As president I intend to celebrate the rich diversity of human relationships.
  2.deal with 与…交易;应付; 对待
  Or do you deal with the challenge?
  How would you deal with an armed burglar?
  3.work out 解决;作出;锻炼
  Britain, too, must work out what it wants from the eu.
  New cars often suffer quality glitches that auto makers try to work out over time.
  4.determine to 确定
  We determine to fulfil the task ahead of time.
  Describes the rules that determine to what degree reflection can be used to discover type information and access types.