美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2014-01-13(在线收听

 1. Former Basketball star Dennis Rodman  apologizes for implying that American missionary Kenneth Bae's imprisonment in North Korea is his own fault. Rodman says he was obsessed in drinking alcohol at the time. 

2. New Jersey governor Chris Christie says the decision to close traffic lane, leading to the Washington  bridge in September was inappropriate  and done without his knowledge. Emails and texts surfaced on Wednesday  linking to a top Christine's aide  to the move, which caused the massive traffic tie-up allegedly for political revenge against the local mayor.  
3. President Obama is expected to announce changes to the national security agency on Thursday, restricting the NSA's access  to American's phone records and curbing its spy on foreign leaders. 
4. And while Brazil deals with the heat waves and temperature reaching 120. The zoo keepers are giving animals Popsicles and frozen foods to beat the heat.