

  Can Lady Gaga help Exxon Mobil crack social media?
  能否帮助Lady gaga 埃克森美孚打开社交媒介的大门
  LADY GAGA'S business manager, Troy Carter, will judge an eight-hour hackathon at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas, on March 11th.
  在三月11号奥斯汀南西南音乐节上Lady gaga 的经纪人Troy Carter参加一个长达八小时的黑客松活动。
  Geeks will vie to create new ideas to do with digital music distribution.
  The event will be hosted by Backplane, a tech start-up co-founded by Mr Carter,
  此次活动将有backplane 举办,由卡特先生合作的技术创业公司。
  which has just launched its first product, a web community for Lady Gaga called LittleMonsters.com.
  与为lady gaga 设计的网络社区LittleMonsters.com是该公司的首件作品。
  The goal is to create a one-stop shop for everything Gaga.
  Fans will be able to download her music,buy tickets for her shows and chat with each other.
  It will feature “social ticketing”, which will make it easy for fans to find concert seats near their friends and even start conversations beforehand with strangers they will be sitting with.
  Translation software will allow fans without a language in common to chat about changing the world one sequin at a time.
  在翻译软件的帮助下,说着不同语言的人也可以在一起聊Lady的歌,像如one sequin at a time。
  For now, LittleMonsters is by invitation only but it is expected soon to open to all.
  Mr Carter says the data generated by the site will be valuable.
  He will be able to identify mouthy fans to whom others listen—“key influencers”, in the jargon—and court them for their insights.
  Facebook will remain the biggest social network for a while.
  Backplane is a bet that parallel communities will emerge, connecting people who share a particular passion.
  The plan is to apply lessons learned from Lady Gaga's fans to a wide range of interests, from music to sports to who knows what.
  这个计划将要把lady gaga粉丝的成功先例运用到更广泛的利益上去,从音乐到运动,到大家想不到的地方。
  Backplane has just closed a fundraising round in which several Silicon Valley venture capitalists took part.
  The idea is hot, but Backplane is competing in what is fast becoming a crowded field.
  Backplane is exploring the possibilities for mainstream brands, from Nike to ExxonMobil, to create virtual communities that foster deeper relationships with customers.
  Backplane 正在探索像耐克,埃克森美孚等主流公司,通过构建虚拟网络加深与客户关系的可能性。
  The trick is to find those key influencers and amplify their voices.
  Mr Carter says that experience with Lady Gaga has taught him that what a super fan says can sometimes have a bigger impact on fellow fans than a word from the Lady herself。
  卡特先生说Lady gaga让他懂得一个超级粉丝所说的活有时候会比Lady自己说话的影响力更大。