
   1.手气好 have the Midas touch

  Mr. Wang has the Midas touch: everything he does turns to gold.
  (此语源自希腊神话。据说神给一个叫Midas的人一种特殊的力量,任何东西只要被他的手一碰就会变成黄金.后来,Midas touch便用来喻指“有发财的运气或技能”了)2.走运be on the gravy train
  He’s been on the gravy train these years.
  3.命好lead a charmed life
  His father is a senior government official, his mother is the general manager of a large company and he himself hadpassed the TOFEL test and got a scholarship from an American university. He must have been leading a charmful life.
  4.因祸得福a blessing in disguise
  他遭遇车祸反而因祸得福了:住院时和一个漂亮的护士相爱了He had an accident and it turned out to be a blessing in disguise: a pretty nurse fell in lover with him during his stay in the hospital.
  5.一举成名be vaulted to fame
  Lao Zhang was vaulted to fame, a classic example of overnight success.
  6.千载难逢 once in a blue moon
  This is a chance once in a blue moon.
  7.走上坡路be on the up grade
  It’s much more difficult to be on the up grade than on the down grade.
  8.开门红get off to a flying start
  我们公司一成立就来了个开门红:在开业后的第一周就得到了三笔大宗订单Our company got off to a flying start when it opened to business: we got three big orders during the first week of opening.