名校励志英语演讲 55:拯救世界 拯救儿童(在线收听

   But maybe he was too close to heaven, because when I came to his town, he had already died, and they had buried him in the glove and jacket.

  He was just 10 years old. God knows, I know, that he tried his best to hold on. But at least when he died, he knew that he was loved, not only by his parents, but even by me, a near stranger, I also loved him. And with all of that love he knew that he didn't come into this world alone, and he certainly didn't leave it alone.
  If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can he dealt with. A professor may degrade you, but you will not feel degraded, a boss may crush you, but you will not be crushed, a corporate gladiator might vanquish you, but you will still triumph. How could any of them truly prevail in pulling you down? For you know that you are an object worthy of love. The rest is just packaging.
  But if you don't have that memory of being loved, you are condemned to search the world for something to fill you up. But no matter how much money you make or how famous you become, you will still fell empty. What you are really searching for is unconditional love, unqualified acceptance. And that was the one thing that was denied to you at birth.
  n. 斗剑者;争论者
  eg. Isabel looked a moment at the vanquished gladiator.
  eg. It is no honour for an eagle to vanquish a dove.
  vi. 盛行,战胜
  eg. Justice will prevail over injustice.