偶像励志英语演讲 44:让父母为你骄傲(4)(在线收听

   I am, however, an expert in pretending to be an expert in various areas, so just randomly like everything else in this speech. I am or I was an expert in kissing on stage and on screen. How did I prepare for this? Well most of my preparation for this was took place in my school or rather behind my suburban high school in New Jersery one is obliged to do great deal of kissing in my line of work. Air kissing, kissing up and of course actual kissing. Much like hookers, actors have to do it with people we may not like or even know. We may have to do it with friends, which, believe it or not is particularly awkward, for people of my generation, it's awkward.

  My other areas of faux expertise, river rafting, miming the effects of radiation poisoning, knowing which shoes go with which bag, coffee plantationing, Turkish, Polish, German, French, Italian, that Iowa-Italian from The Bridges of Madison County, bit of the Bronx, Aramaic, Yiddish, Irish clog dancing, cooking, singing, riding hourses, knitting, playing the violin, and simulating steamy sexual encounters. These are some of the areas in which I have pretended quite proficiently to be successful, or the other way around. As have many women here, I'm sure.