Hourly News 每日新闻 2013-10-02(在线收听


Annual debate of 68th session of UN General Assembly concludes

The annual debate of this year's UN General Assembly has come to an end.
More than 130 heads of state and government, as well as ministers, delivered their views on regional and international affairs.
General Assembly President John Ashe says member states are "responsible for the implementation of action by working to create a post-2015 development agenda"
The week-long general debate, which opened on September 24th, has provided the heads of state an opportunity to weigh in on the shape of the world's development strategy.
When it comes to the situation in Syria, many delegations expressed concerns about the dire humanitarian situation.
Many have called for a negotiated solution at a forthocming conference in Geneva.

DPRK calls for closure of "UN Command" on Korean Peninsula

North Korea has issued a new call for the dismantling of the UN Command on the Korean Peninsula.
The DPRK contends the use of the United Nations made is an abuse of the organization.
The statement has been made to the now-closed General Assembly in New York.
A North Korean official has described the UN Command in Korea an outdated abuse of the name of the United Nations.
The UN Command was the umbrella name for the American-led coalition which fought against North Korean and Chinese troops during the Korean war from 1950 to 1953.
The UN Command still exists on the Korean Peninsula, though it is made up almost exclusively of US and South Korean troops.

Israel, Iran exchange harsh words over nuclear project

Israel's prime minister says his country will never allow Iran to get nuclear weapons.
At the same time, Benjamin Netanyahu is dismissing the new Iranian president's "charm offensive" as a ruse.
Netanyahu has told the UN General Assembly that Israel's future is threatened by a "nuclear-armed" Iran, and is calling on the international community to maintain sanctions against Iran.
Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif is calling Netanyahu a liar who requires deception to promote his policies.
Iran continues to insist its nuclear programme is for civilian purposes only.

Obama blames Republicans for government shutdown, defends Obamacare

U.S. President Barack Obama has issued a new statement, pointing the finger at House Republicans for the current federal government shutdown.
At the same time, Obama is also moving to defended his signature health care law, known as Obamacare.
Obama says Republicans in Congress "chose" the government shutdown that "did not have to happen."
Obama has made the comments from a televised speech from the Rose Garden at the White House.
The US government went into partial shutdown on Monday after lawmakers were unable to come up with a new federal budget.
This has left hundreds of thousands of US federal government employees without work.

Abe announces first national sales tax hike since 1997

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has announced a plan to increase the national sales tax in a bid to cut down the country's runaway debt.
It will be the first tax increase in Japan since 1997.
It is estimated the tax increase will help the Japanese government raise over 80-billion US dollars a year.
Meanwhile, to avoid a spending slump, Abe is also set to announce an economic stimulus package worth 5 trillion yen or more.

ICC issues arrest warrant against Cote d'Ivoire former minister

The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for Ivorian politician Charles Ble Goude.
The 40-year-old is wanted by the ICC for alleged crimes against humanity during violence in Cote d'Ivoire back in 2010.
The post-election violence in that country left over 3-thousand people dead after ex-President Laurent Gbagbo refused to accept defeat.
Ble Goude denies leading the pro-Gbagbo militia attacks.

China manufacturing growth Sept. hits 17-month high

Official statistics show China's factory activity here in China hit its highest level in some 17 months in September.
China's purchasing managers' index for the manufacturing sector has come in at 51.1 in September, making the third consecutive monthly increase.
The manufacturing PMI was 51 in August.
Any reading above 50 indicates expansion.
The latest rebound signal comes amid the increase of new overseas business, particularly from Europe and the United States, for the first time in 6-months.

Traffic volumes spike on National Day

China's public transportation network has been seeing its travel peak as the 7-day National Day Holiday gets underway.
Passengers are cramming into the lobbies of railway stations across the country.
China's railway network is expected to carry more than 10 million people during the holiday.
Highways are also witnessing a surge in traffic.
The Chinese government has scrapped the expressway tolls for cars with seven seats or fewer during the holiday.
To handle the sudden surge of crowds, tourists attractions have taken various measures such as adding more ticket offices.
The peak is expected to last until Saturday.

Sweden ranks first for treatment of elderly

A new UN study is suggesting Sweden is the best place in the world to be old.
The Global AgeWatch Index has drawn this conclusion based on its survey in 91 countries.
China ranks the 35th place for the treatment of elderly people.
Afghanistan ranks last.
