Hourly News 每日新闻 2014-03-07(在线收听

 Chinese Premier calls for stronger initiatives to fight smog

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has issued a new call for stronger initiatives to fight pollution, saying China can't wait for changes in weather to deal with smog.
Li Keqiang has made the comments while sitting in on a meeting among National People's Congress deputies from Shandong.
At the opening of NPC session, Li Keqiang has described smog as "nature's red-light warning against inefficient and blind development," saying his administration has declared "war" on pollution.
The central authorities here in China have announced plans to cut steel production by 27-million tones this year, slash cement production by 42-million tones and shut down 50-thousand small coal-fired furnaces.
Industrial production is considered one of the leading factors behind the air pollution in northern China.
No leniency for terrorists: Xinjiang Party chief
The regional head of the CPC in Xinjiang is promising a "harsh and lasting crackdown" on terrorists.
Zhang Chunxian, secretary of the CPC Xinjiang Autonomous Regional Committee, has made the comments on the sidelines of the National People's Congress here in Beijing.
Zhang says terrosim is the common enemy of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang.
His comments come days after knife-wielding terrorists murdered 29 people and injured 143 others at Kunming's main railway station.
Evidence has linked the attack to separatists from Xinjiang.
Xinjiang chairman blames overseas forces for separatist activities
A leading government official from Xinjiang is pointing to separatists from outside of China as one of the key reasons for the unrest in the region.
Nur Bekri, chair of the Xinjiang regional government, has made the comments as part of an NPC session. 
As part of his speech to lawmakers, Bekri has also promised a harsh crackdown in Xinjiang.
In making the comments Nur Bekri says terrorists do not represent any ethnic group or any religion, suggesting people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang strongly condemn terrorism.
Ukraine initiates proceeding over Crimea parliament decision to join Russia
Ukraine's Secret Service has initiated an official inquiry into the move by authorities in the Crimea to become part of Russia.
The official vote is scheduled to take place in 10-days.
The proceedings have been initiated on charges of "encroachment on the territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine." 
Ukranian authorities in Kiev contend the Crimean parliament has approved the vote in violation of Ukranian constitutional norms.
Crimean authorities have already voted to become part of Russia in a vote to be held on March 16th.
The Crimea, which is made up predominantly of ethnic Russians, was ceeded to Ukraine in 1954 by the former Soviet Union.
Russia slams U.S. for double standards over Ukraine
Russian authorities are accusing the United States of applying double standards to Moscow's intentions in Ukraine.
Russia's Foreign Ministry says the U.S. State Department is -quote- "trying to play on a shamelessly one-sided interpretation of events."
The comments follow a statement by the US side, which has been criticial of Russian President Vladimir Putin's handling of the situation in Ukraine.
The comments come after the local government in the Crimea voted to hold a referendum next week on whether to join Russia.
U.S. President Barack Obama says the proposed referendum is a violation of Ukraine's Constitution and international law.
U.S. House Passes Aid Bill for Ukraine -- Update
The US House of Representatives has voted overwhelmingly to provide financial assistance to Ukraine's interim government. 
The House has voted 385-23 to allow the Obama administration to provide loan guarantees for Ukraine. 
The legislation helps keep a White House promise to provide 1-billion US dollars in loan guarantees to Ukraine. 
House lawmakers are also said to be looking at new sanctions that could go beyond what the Obama administration already has at its disposal.
UN chief launches "Children, not soldiers" campaign
The United Nations has launched a new campaign against child soldiers.
UN chief Ban Ki-moon is calling for the zero use of children in military roles by 2016.
The United Nations estimates there are currently some 250-thousand child soldiers around the world.
ECB keeps interest rates unchanged despite low inflation
The European Central Bank has decided to keep its interest rates unchanged at 0.25 percent.
ECB head Mario Draghi says the governing council has made the decision following the release of largely positive data in February. 
GDP in the euro area rose 0.3-percent in the last quarter of 2013, marking the euro zone's 3rd consecutive quarterly increase. 
Markit's eurozone purchasing managers' index has also jumped to 53.3, up from 52.9 in January. 
Euro zone services' business activity index has come in at 52.6.
China Railway to seek private investment
The China Railway Corporation has become the latest State-Owned entity to announce plans to try to lure private investment.
The initiative, a fund for investors, is expected to be launched later this year.
The move is part of the Chinese government's plan to open up mostly state-owned industries such as finance, petroleum, power, telecom and railways to private investors.
China Railway Corporation, set up a year ago to replace the railway ministry's business, is expected to spend over 100 billion US dollars on more than 66-hundred kilometers of new railway lines this year.