

  President Obama says he won't go after Washington State and Colorado for legalising marijuana. In a Barbara Walters ABC News interview,Mr. Obama _1_ whether he supports making pot legal. He says he wouldn't go that far but _2_ the issue in the states where voters legalized the use of marijuana in the November's elections. Marijuana remains illegal under Federal Law who was legalized this month in Washington State and Colorado.
  Some of Britain's most _3_ have called for a government pardon for World War II code breaker Alan Turing. Larry Miller reports he killed himself after _4_ being gay.
  Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking is among 11 signatories to a letter in the Daily Telegraph, urging the prime minister to formally forgive Turing. The scientists described him as a British hero and one of the most brilliant mathematicians of the modern era. Turing's team broke the Nazi's Enigma code. Former colleagues say without him, Britain would have lost the war. In 1952, with homosexuality illegal,Turing _5_ gross indecency after a chemical castration and removal of his security clearance, he swallowed cyanide. The British government apologized three years ago but he has been refused a posthumous pardon. There is a bill in the House of Lords that could achieve that. For NPR News, I'm Larry Miller in London.
  The Pentagon is planning to send Patriot air defense missiles and 400 troops to Turkey. It's all part of a NATO force _6_ protecting Turkish territory from a possible Syrian missile attack. Speaking at a Turkish airbase, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told troops the country might need such weapons.
  I'm Windsor Johnston, NPR News, in Washington.
  1、brilliant. 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的
  She had a brilliant mind. 她有极聪明的头脑。
  2、homosexuality. 同性恋
  3、gross indecency严重猥亵
  4、posthumous. 死后的;遗腹的;作者死后出版的
  1、was asked 2、won't pursue 3、eminent scientists 4、being prosecuted for
  5、was convicted of 6、aimed at