

  More than two months after Superstorm Sandy devastated parts of the Northeast, the Senate _1_ a $9.7 billion bill, providing aid to storm victims. The bill cleared the House earlier today. New York Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer says there is no question that the passage of the measure was long overdue.
  We really had no choice but to pass this provision, because the federal government is obligated to reimburse when people have floods if they have paid in their flood insurance. So while this bill is important, it's something we _2_ to do, and we should not have parades down the street because this bill has passed. A vote on another $51 billion in recovery aid _3_ later this month.
  The Food and Drug Administration is releasing _4_ regulations today for farms that grow fruits and vegetables as well as food processors.As NPR's Dan Charles reports the regulations _5_ the works for two years.In 2010, Congress passed the Food Safety Modernization Act.
  It gave the FDA more power to regulate operations at large vegetable farms, such as the farm in Colorado that sold contaminatedcantaloupes in 2011. Thirty-three people died from _6_ them. The new draft regulations call for practices that many private companies _7_ already.
  They try to block every possible way that harmful bacteria might get on fresh food from stray animals _8_ in fields to farm workers notwashing their hands. Congress exempted the smallest farms from these regulations, but many small farmers still worry that they will in fact have to follow them raising their costs. Farmers and consumers now have four months to study the rules and propose changes. Dan Charles, NPR News.
  他们试图阻止每一种可能的方式, 有害细菌可能在新鲜食物中,从流浪动物留下的粪便,田野里的农场工人不洗手等等。最小的农场免除国会的这些规定,但许多小农民仍然担心他们将实际上遵循这些规定因而提高自身的成本。农民和消费者现在有4个月的时间来研究规则并提出相关改革。NPR新闻,丹?查尔斯报道。
  1.devastate v.毁坏;使荒芜
  They intended to devastate the town at one stroke.
  2.reimburse v.偿还;报销
  I was reimbursed in full.
  3.parade n.游行;检阅
  People wore historical costumes for the parade.
  4.administration n.实施;管理;行政
  He is responsible for the administration of justice.
  5.contaminate v.弄脏;污染
  All over the world, oil spills regularly contaminate coasts.
  6、draft regulations法律草案
  The draft regulations also require that clients be videotaped while they open new accounts.
  1、has passed 2、were almost obligated 3、is expected 4、a set of proposed
  5、have been in 6、eating 7、are doing 8、leaving droppings