

  Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell today ruled out raising tax revenues as part of dealing with the budget deficits. He said the legislation that _1_ higher income tax rates on wealthier Americans _2_ . He says the tax issue is finished. McConnell was interviewed this morning on ABC's "This Week." On Fox News Sunday Congressman Chris Van Hollen _3_ . The Maryland Democrat said Congress must consider _4_ revenue as well as cutting spending to reduce deficits.
  "If Mitch McConnel is gonna draw that line in the sand, it's gonna be a recipe for more gridlock."
  And on CBS's "Face the Nation" House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said Congress should examine the tax code to _5_ to raise more revenue.
  众议院民主党领袖南希?佩洛西参加CBS电视台的《Face the Nation》节目时表示,国会应检查税法,以填补漏洞,增加税收。
  Negotiations between Congress and the White House on budget matters may _6_ by the fact that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner _7_ office by the end of the month. Steve Beckner of Market News International has more.
  Although an eleventh-hour deal raising taxes on upper-income Americans _8_ the so-called "fiscal cliff," there are thorny problems yet to be resolved on government spending and the debt ceiling. But Geithner, who played a central role in battling the financial crisis and who has been President Obama's point man on fiscal policy for four years, won't be there to handle negations with Congress this time. He has said he will leave Treasury _9_ . That will force the president to nominate a replacement for Senate confirmation at a very awkward time in the budgetary process. For NPR News, I'm Steve Beckner.
  Royal Dutch Shell says its grounded drill rig is ready to _10_ the rocks where it's been stranded since New Year's Eve. Officials say they are waiting for the right weather and time conditions. The barge is carrying 150,000 gallons of diesel fuel.
  This is NPR News from Washington.
  1、rule out排除;不予考虑;阻止…发生;使…成为不可能
  eg. The Prime Minister is believed to have ruled out cuts in child benefit or pensions...
  eg. Local detectives have ruled out foul play.
  eg. A serious car accident in 1986 ruled out a permanent future for him in farming.
  2. draw a line in the sand划清界线
  eg. Gordon brown, the british prime minister, accused iran of "serial deception over many years" and concluded that outsiders have "no choice today but to draw a line in the sand."
  But at some point, before too much code gets written, it is important to draw a line in the sand and create a requirements baseline.
  1、allowed 2、is done 3、disagreed 4、raising more 5、close loopholes
  6、be further complicated 7、will be leaving 8、has temporarily averted
  9、in a matter of weeks 10、be towed off