
   1. 跟别人要钱 :mooch off someone

  I feel sick of those who mooch off others.
  2. 钱挣海了 :coin money
  Lao Zhang is coining money these few years. Who can ever expect he would be able to make bundles like this!
  3. 钱多得花不完 :have money to burn
  Lao Li has money to burn. Otherwise, how could he splash his money about like anything?
  4. 钱能生钱 :money begets money
  Money begets money. Without money in hand, how can you make bundles?
  5. 没钱 :be broke
  I don’t want to eat out today. I’m broke.
  6. 钱来之不易 :money doesn’t grow on trees你不应该如此挥霍。钱来之不易阿!
  You should not splash your money about like this. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
  7. 敲竹杠 :a clip joint
  That shop is plain a clip joint!
  8. 生活很富裕: be well fixed
  Since China opened to the outside world, some farmers have become entrepreneurs and many are well-fixed, living a much more comfortable life.
  9. 吃了上顿没下顿: not know where the next meal comes虽然很多人都已经富裕起来了,可是人有些人吃了上顿没下顿In spite the fact that many have now become well-fixed, some people still remain in a state that they do not know where the next meal comes.
  10. 发财 :rake it in
  He made bundles in Hai Nan. He was unexpectedly raking it in.
  11. 太宰人了: cost an arm and a leg
  Eating in this restaurant will cost you an arm and a leg. You’ ll have to pay tens of yuan for even a soup of cabbage and beancurd12. 跟别人比阔 : keep up with the Joneses我可不像你,老是和别人比阔
  I’m not your sort who like to keep up with the Joneses.
  13. 养家糊口: bring home the bacon
  Some one has to bring home the bacon in the family.
  14. 与……私通 : have an illicit love affair with据说那个法官与一个电影明星私通。
  The judge is said to have an illicit love affair with a film star.
  15. 婚外恋 : a double life
  People around here all feel that he’s leading a double life.
  16. 深深爱上: be head over heels in love with听说小丽爱上一个比她大三十岁的老头子。爱情这个东西真是难琢磨。
  I hear Xiao Li is head over heels in love with an old man who is 30 years older than her. Love is really a mystery.
  17. 与门第比自己低的人结婚:marry with the left hand皇太子放弃了王位,与比自己门第低的人结了婚并到国外度蜜月去了The son of the Emperor gave up his stewardship as King and married with the left hand. He’s now on their honeymoon abroad.
  18. 嫁妆:marriage portion
  On the point of their divorce, she demanded on his returning to her all the lot she has brought as her marriage portion.
  19. 外快:side money
  Lao Zhang has made a huge sum of side money in the past few years.
  20.买得便宜 :buy something on the cheap
  He bought that car on the cheap.
  21.输得精光:be taken to the cleaners
  The guys ganged up on him and they took him to the cleaners.
  22.调情: make a pass at someone
  When I found that a stranger began to make a pass at me, I gave him a stern look and left.
  23.花费 :outgoings
  He gets about 300 yuan a month .How could he possibly balance his family’s outgoings with such a small income?
  24.重要约会:a heavy date
  She says she is having a heavy date tonight, so she won’t come.
  25.向……求婚:pop the question to
  When he popped the question to me he said that I was the only one he would love but now, the story is quite different.