NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2014-03-14(在线收听

 From NPR news in Washington, I am Jackspear, President Obama said the us and other western countries completely reject legitimacy of the upcoming referedum in Ukrian Crimea region. The vote will decide on Sunday whether Crimea will retreat from Ukrain and become part of Russia, NPR xxf reports Obama met int the white house Ukrain prime minister xxx, president said if the vote does take place, the us will not recognize the result,  he said the issue is whether Russia is able to militarily dominante the region of someone else country, engineer a slipish referedum, Obama hope the deplomatic efforts will confront Russia to rethinking the Russia backed referedum before Sumday, Yasfds says for his country is all about freedom, we fight for freedom we fight for indepence, we fight for our soverignty, and we will never surrender, xxx npr news Washington.

Arizona republican governor John Brue annouced today, she will not run for  another term, npr said it is questionable  whether she could. Bruer end the speculation she could run this year by saying it is the time to pass torch the leadership, the fact is she would have to challenge the Amozona constitution if she runs again this year, Amozona law  allows state white officer two consecutive terms. Bruer took over the governor when democartic John xxx left become DA justice secretary in 2009, Bruer then was elected in 2010, she said that mention only serve one and a quarter terms, then the legal expert says any part of a term is a term, now it is a wide open primery contest between six republicans and on the other side 2 democratics, npr, news. 
Authority in New York now says only three people are known dead and others are still listed as missing after an explosive bobble in the two buildings in the east Hallerm this morning, at least three dozens of people were hurt, when they say the blast sound like an earthquake when windos are blowed outside the adjacent buildings, xxx in the street when the blast occurred. the church is gone the piano store is gone and half of the roof is gone, it is like everything is in the middle of the blast this corner still be there rigt next my building, I am surprise my building is till standing everything next to it is gone, NY city Mayor,xxx said the cause of the blosive is still investigated although the utility workers along the way the check out to report the strong smell of gas.
xxx are pretty happy with the bounuses this year part because of the strong financial market,  the workers on the wall street, the ny city contoller office which tract wall street bonuses, paged out the security industry in ny city rose by 15 percent last year,  to 1 hundred and 64 thousand dollars,  when a hundred and sixty five thousand people in ny employed by the security industry. 
stocks boundes around today,  investors look what is happening oversees and domestically,  the dow was down 11 point the sp 500 gained a fraction , you are listining to npr.
According to the white house , it was given a head up by the CIA lawyer before the spy agency find a criminal complain with the justice department get senate intelligency standfords, senator investigate by the CIA now shutter prision system, now allegation using harsh interigation technics agaist prisoners, white house press secretary Jain says the white house notified the CIA intentions, but did not comment criminal complaint and the public complaints, slub against  the agency by senator xxx, 
the kind of microbes someone has in their gut may play a role in whether develop a common  digest system disorder, npr xx has more in the Luis Reserach today, cruise desease is a terrible chronic condition today, about 1 million Americans have it, in the new study, researchers compared the microbes in the digest system of more than 4 hundreds crown patients to microbes in more than two hundred healthy people, the crown patients said less than first micorbes, more microbes are associated with xxx inflamation, the finding indicates that one reason some people get cruns is that the microbes provoke over reaction in their immune systems, and that changing the composition of the microbes pahaps by given their probiotics could help treat the disease, but more researchers need to confirm the findings, and how to use it to diagnosis and treat crun patients, Robule stua, npr news, 
Nations airlines are expectable profitable 2014 because the higher fume prices they dopt these expectations back a bit, international air transport association  expects airline profit for this year totally 18.7 billion dollars, down slightly from the forecasting in December. 