美国有线新闻 CNN 2014-03-15(在线收听

 There is little hope and a lot of grief, the families of 239 people. That was the number of people on board Malaysia’s airline flight 370 which disappeared early Saturday morning. Word came late yesterday form Malaysia’s government that somehow the plane’s transponder was turned on. That’s the instrument that transmits altitude and location. Malaysia’s airport was still able to track the plane which actually turned and flew over the strait of Malaka, hundreds of miles off course. Unfortunately, that’s where the answers end. Until last night, there were still no sign of the plane. We can show you what it is like to search area near the plane’s last known location.

This is no easy task. This sea warrant plane has been carrying out regular search missions since flight MH370 disappeared. It is the first time the administration of Defense and transportation and Chief of defense force have been out to survey this massive operation.  They invited CNN to join them.
I have to put this life jacket on because when it is ascending, it is just 500 feet above sea level.
Lying low, the doors opened, for the search to begin. We flew past a number of ships, for skulls in the sea, those on board, or any would know what happened.
I just want to find the plane, you know, at all cost. As long as they are still standing, as long as people are out there praying for us, we will continue search, and this is something I will not stop. This is what I promise the families.
We flew to the Malaka straits, to the west of Malaysia. There are 16 ships surveying in this area. That is more than 25 000 north. There are drawings in the air. There are 14 aircrafts. And that is just the area to the west of Malaysia. There are more than 13 aircrafts and more than 40 ships in the entire operation. As we look out cross this vast expansive water, far into horizon, holding his heads in his head, the minister tells me, he is overwhelmed.
When you are looking for something, and it is wild scene, and it is a reality check. But we have never never given up all.
What’s next today? Their country may be in in odds politically, but cooperation is drawn in the space program. After 5 months on the international space station, the American, a Russian, and a native Crimea, made a safely trip back to earth together on Tuesday. There is no space shuttle program, so you might be wondering how they got there. So here we go. They got on there through this, a Russian space capsule, and rotate back toward here. The Shaoi have a shield protective it form the heat cross atmosphere. Once there, a small pair of shoes disappears, slowing the capsule down, and then a larger one slow it further. And about  2 seconds before it touch down, some engines fire making the landing as soft as possible. NASA pays the Russia space agency to transport American astronaut to and from the space station. Each trip cost US 71 million dollars.
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