
   VANCOUVER, April 8 (Xinhua) -- A survey report released Tuesday ranked Toronto as the world's most resilient city.

  Vancouver was the second most resilient city, to be followed by Calgary, also a Canadian city, Chicago and Pittsburgh, according to the Grosvenor Group "Resilient Cities" report which studied the ability of 50 major cities in the world to deal with issues such as climate change and population growth.
  The five least resilient cities were Dhaka, Jakarta, Cairo, Manila and Mumbai.
  "Cities are like society and people," said Richard Barkham, Grosvenor Group research director. "Some of them have a better ability to adapt and plan and organize themselves as a community."
  The report said Canadian cities fared well because they are generally well governed, well planned and have good access to resources, including water and energy.
  An overall resiliency ranking was set after determining the cities' vulnerability to negative events and their ability to adapt to change and cope with adverse issues.
  Vancouver received top marks in every vulnerability category except climate vulnerability, as its low-lying coastal location makes it "especially vulnerable" to the sea level rising by an estimated one meter over the next century.
  The report said U.S. cities don't score particularly well in vulnerability categories because inequality in some cities leads to social tension, utilities lack investment and urban sprawl leads to the over-consumption of land.